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Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sleeping with the Golden

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tortie(tude) Solitude

Monday, August 24, 2009
My Friend Murray
Today Frank and Dee Dee are sad. I am sad too. My friend Murray the golden retriever went away and he's not coming back. Dee Dee said that Murray had not been feeling well and at 13 he was a very old dog. I could tell he had not been his old self lately – he wouldn’t even move when I would roll near him and try to get him to play. He never would play with me, but he would always get up and move,
even if I barely batted his paw! Well, a couple times he growled and barked at me, but that was probably because I jumped on him and started batting him in the face. I never used my claws, but I guess I deserved the warning.
I’ll miss jumping out at him when he comes in from a walk, and I’ll miss swatting at him (no claws!) at he walks by. I’ll also miss the way he would follow me all around – or was it me who followed him? I don’t know, but it seemed we were often in the same place at the same time. One thing I won’t miss – when he would sometimes eat my food! I won’t even mention what he used to do in my litter box.
Murray was here when I first came home to live with Frank and Dee Dee. He was always nice to me, even if he seemed kind of nervous. Who’d be scared of a tortie? He sure had a loud bark and that scared me sometimes, but usually I’d ignore it.
I'm posting a picture of us on the very first day we met at PetSmart. Dee Dee took Murray in to meet me before she brought me home. You can see he looks a little crazy, but I thought he was OK. I don't know who the old man in the beard is. I will miss Murray. For a dog he was a good friend. I'm sending purrs his way.

I’ll miss jumping out at him when he comes in from a walk, and I’ll miss swatting at him (no claws!) at he walks by. I’ll also miss the way he would follow me all around – or was it me who followed him? I don’t know, but it seemed we were often in the same place at the same time. One thing I won’t miss – when he would sometimes eat my food! I won’t even mention what he used to do in my litter box.
Murray was here when I first came home to live with Frank and Dee Dee. He was always nice to me, even if he seemed kind of nervous. Who’d be scared of a tortie? He sure had a loud bark and that scared me sometimes, but usually I’d ignore it.
I'm posting a picture of us on the very first day we met at PetSmart. Dee Dee took Murray in to meet me before she brought me home. You can see he looks a little crazy, but I thought he was OK. I don't know who the old man in the beard is. I will miss Murray. For a dog he was a good friend. I'm sending purrs his way.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It's Officially "Fall"
Here I am snuggled in one of my favorite spots -- my purr pad. I suddenly had the urge to curl up here a
fter being away from it for the whole summer. It just seemed like a good idea. Dee Dee was a little upset to see me there, saying "It must be officially Fall -- Kayla is on her purr pad! Where did the summer go?"
I don't know what "Fall" is, but I do know it feels good to lie on this soft, warm furry spot right now. I can't imagine why I didn't like it before now!
I don't know what "Fall" is, but I do know it feels good to lie on this soft, warm furry spot right now. I can't imagine why I didn't like it before now!
Friday, September 05, 2008
4H Cats
Today Dee Dee and Frank went to the Puyallup Fair to see the 4H cats. I thought that any event that had dozens of cats had to be good until I found out that all of the cats are in cages. Dee Dee said the cats don't mind because they're raised that way and the cages are all decorated, but I am a free range cat -- I will never be caged!
This is an orange tabby. I don't know its name. I've heard, though, that male orange tabbies get along well with torties because they are smart because they have the same O gene that gives torties their orange fur. Torties are smarter, of course.
Anyway, Dee Dee took pictures of some of the cats:
This is a tortie named Zoe, sleeping peacefully and ignoring all the people looking at her. Smart cat!
This is an orange tabby. I don't know its name. I've heard, though, that male orange tabbies get along well with torties because they are smart because they have the same O gene that gives torties their orange fur. Torties are smarter, of course.